Monday, November 26, 2007

The Approaching Winter

It snowed today. Not enough to stick to the ground, but it did snow those gentle falling flakes. It actually looked pretty; with the gray clouds enclosing the neighborhood, it looked like one of those snow-globes.

I don't mind the snow for the first part of the season-through the holidays and even a bit into January. Though, growing up in Michigan, my childhood memories were of snow from November through March or so, and lots of it. Our house backed up to a golf course-so we had a huge winter playground for playing, sledding, throwing snowballs etc with our friends. Later, we got into cross country skiing, too. Back then, the cold didn't seem to phase us all that much [only when walking to and from school!], so I did enjoy the winter months back then.

But as an adult it just isn't the same. Having to dig the car out from the snow, scraping off the ice, having to drive to work in the stuff, and later in the winter, the brown trees/landscape, dirty snow, endless cloudy skies, it's a lot of work. Not to mention having to clear off the driveways and sidewalks, bundling up in heavy coats, and having to dig around for hats, scarves, and gloves. Maybe I wouldn't mind it quite so much if it *wasn't* so COLD all the time. I don't like the cold at all, especially with the long months of winter here in Michigan. Maybe I should feel lucky that I don't live in Canada or Alaska.

This dislike of the winter became much more pronounced during the years I lived in North Carolina. We did have winter down there with occasional snow or ice, but it was still much milder and it was a much shorter season. So while living there, I could better appreciate the beauty that snow can provide but not have it last so long.

I'm back in Michigan now. For the time being, I CAN enjoy the yearly novelty of the snow and cold. But I'm also dreaming about being in the tropical south, with the temperatures much more moderate, having blue skies, greenery year-round, living on the ocean with the sand, the crashing of the waves, salt in the air, listening to the sea gulls, searching for sea shells, and wondering what a tropical Christmas would be like. So far, it's only in my imagination, but I really hope that this dream can and will come true someday. So, Santa, this is what I'd like for Christmas, some time in the near future, ok?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, all the snow we had on the ground from the past couple big snows has melted all away. Yea! Gotta love this balmy weather [even if it did rain hard overnight and this morning and the wind is gusting off and on]. It actually got up to around 60'ish. I sure wish it would last!
