Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Commandments

I was reading a blog last evening [the author is working on a 'happiness project'; I do need to go back to her site and read more of what she has to say about this topic; I'm sure I can learn something from it. :-)

On this site, she lists her commandments, kind of like those resolutions that we try and work on at the beginning of each year. Though I didn't write any of hers down, it got me wondering about what kinds of things I can focus on along this journey. So here are a few that I just came up with. I'm sure they'll need a bit of tweaking here and there and I'll probably come up with others, but this is a start. And those of you that may be reading this post, feel free to come up with some of your own. You don't have to share them here in the comments section but please do if you're so inclined. I'd like the company. :-)

1. Identify. I dentify those thoughts and feelings that I tend to supress. Take action on the important ones and let go of the rest.

2.Read. Always make time to read; there are all kinds of worlds out there to discover.

3. Create. Find some meants of being creative and/or artistic at least once a week. Do it.

4. Connect. On a daily basis, find a way to connect in some tangible way with any of the following: Another person, other thoughts and ideas to identify with, or finding other ways to do something new or different that I may benefit or grow.

5. Positive. Begin to think more positively so that I can BE more positive [this will take some working on].

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