Monday, November 19, 2007

Looking Back and Then Moving On

Today, being the Monday of Thanksgiving week, is the unofficial 22nd anniversary of gaining my freedom from a bad marriage [it became official during Art Fair week the following summer]. The so called marriage lasted 6 1/2 years and that was about 8-9 years too long! I guess with being so young, I thought I was going to be superwoman and make it all work out. Looking back, I'm so glad that it didn't; it was definitely one of the black periods in my life.

So why am I writing about this now? Most likely, since I often mull over it each year, it's something that I need to let go of. I did what I needed to do at the time--save enough $$ for a deposit on an apt, find where I could afford to live, sort MY stuff from the ex's, and make the actual move. It definitely wasn't one of my favorite Thanksgivings that year!

It took me a few more years [and relationships] to learn that I CAN be friends with someone of the opposite sex. That was refreshing to finally learn [yeah, I'm a slow learner]. I've also learned that I actually enjoy having my own space and the freedom in not having to account to anyone else. Not to say that I don't want or need friends because I do, it's just that it's ok [and often fun] to be single!

And I guess that's what I have to be thankful for, free to let go of the past, accept where I am now, and move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-And I guess that's what I have to be thankful for, free to let go of the past, accept where I am now, and move on.-

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? I'm not doing any of the above three things very well at all. So I can't truly say that I'm thankful for these things yet. Yes, it'll be very freeing when it's accomplished but that's still somewhere down the road a piece.
