Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Becoming a Bookworm

In my previous post, I mentioned my intent to do more reading. So it was appropriate that I came across a post that has a few suggestions to help with this. So many of us have the goal to read more but with all of the distractions out there, reading time often gets neglected. The info came from an article by 'Leo' of Zen Habits [I haven't checked the rest if the site out yet, though]... Maybe these ideas will help more than just me. :-)

--Make it a habit to read at certain time[s] every day, even if its for only 10-20 minutes. If you do some reading before or during breakfast, as an afternoon refresher break, and before retiring for the evening, that's already half an hour or more a day. Even with this minimum allottment of time adds up to 3 1/2+ hours a week!

--Keep a reading list - in an online document or a notebook or journal [There are always stuff I want to read but unless I write them down, I won't remember them when I'm at the bookstore or library.] List the title and author and perhaps where you heard about the book [from a review, a friend, if it was given to you by someone...]. When I see others reading a book, often I'll approach and ask what they're reading and what they think of it. This gives me ideas that I may not have considered before; that's always cool. And the author suggested having a running book list to motivate us to keep reading.

--Keep a book log of what you've read. Make it as simple or as detailed as you'd like. Start with the title and author and consider adding a summary or comments and perhaps when you started and/or finished it.

I'll add a few more of these tips later on in a separate posting...

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