Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just Do It

My Mantra for this week has been: Just Do It. Like Nike, I really need to run with this. Not outside yet, though I do need to get out and get some exercise and fresh air. It's this decluttering and reorganizing. I hate the mess but I've never been good at keeping my things [or my life] in an orderly fashion [my clothing fashion is currently not in vogue right now, either].

I'm also a procrastinator. Why do today what I can save for tomorrow? or next month? And it's not *just* procrastination, I really don't WANT to let my clutter pile up into a moutain. I know I need to do some work every single day. But many days, I just *can't*. There are enough days where just doing the basics to get by for the day is enough and nothing more than that.

However, as I'm seeing this stuff not organizing itself, at least not to my liking, I need to finally try [again and again] to take some action. Hence, the "Just Do It" this week. And its working, so far. Even if its just one thing a day, it counts [like several days ago, I was realllly dragging but I did take out a bag of trash to the trash can in the garage. And I did about 45 minutes worth of stuff yesterday and altogether, more than an hour today.

I don't know how long I'll follow the directions of "just do it" and though my rooms still have mountains in them, they're organized mountains and mole hills.

Will I ever see the day where I'm comfortable with my home surroundings? I really don't know but I'll tell you if and when it happens!

1 comment:

DeniseInYpsi said...

This has mostly been a good week in getting stuff done around the house. But alas, I'm dragging my feet today. Part of me says that it's a good day to have off [we all need days off once in awhile] but then, I don't want these 'days off' to accumulate one after another [well, in an ideal world, that would be ok, but I'm definitely not in an ideal world].

Maybe a short nap might help to get energized enough to get *something* done before I go out this evening. Only time will tell.