Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Confession

Ok, it's confession time. In my post I just entered a few minutes ago, I mentioned that I hope to get to this coloring book within the next few days... It's not because I'm so disciplined and can space out the fun things I want to do. It's for other reasons.

My space here at home is a bit of a mess [an understatement, if there ever was one]. And I won't be able to really spread out and enjoy what I'm working on with these other "things" piled up all over the place.

During the holiday season through later in January, I had participated in a number of ATC [artist trading card] swaps and thus, the remains of some of those projects still need to be taken care of. As does some of my more recent scrapbooking projects. The other day, I did start sorting through some of my stuff but I didn't get too far [yet]. Right now, this room looks worse than it did before I started!

So I've made a half-hearted promise to myself that I would get more 'work' done before I do much in the playing world. I'm going to TRY and bring out that 'mature adult' in me that is so hard to find and to have some follow-through with. [That's soooo hard for me to do; keeping things in order; always has been, always will.]

I did get some work done in my other room a couple days ago; I can actually SEE some progress. But right now, I'm feeling that I need to get a start on this other room of mine--I'm really tired of the way its looking and how badly its making me feel. I know I'll get the stuff done in the bedroom soon, with that job, I just need to keep from backsliding toooo much.

I do wish I could say that my life is all fun and games [don't we all?] but it isn't even close to that, in spite of my ramblings about art, books, and creativity. Like everyone, I suppose, I do have my issues, problems, and the dark side. I think I'm using some of this newfound or rekindled sense of creativity to gloss over some of the other stuff. To expose it or bury it, only time will tell.

There ARE some yahoo groups out there that I'm participating in, not just for the art and trading cards but to get support for this mess and decluttering that I'm trying to work on fixing. If anyone that reads this would like more information, do let me know. I can tell more here [which I might do later on anyway] or we can get in touch off the blogsite.

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