Thursday, April 17, 2008

My mom's sendoff

Like I mentioned in my last post a month ago, I didn't plan on being away from here for so long. Things are starting to settle down a bit following the death of my mother.

We were able to give her a nice send-off before she left us. My Dad and my other siblings and I were with her, sitting with her in the bedroom. She loved music, so those that could sing, sang some songs for her [I skipped that part, I didn't want to haunt my mom with my off-key voice-which is something that I got from her] and there were a lot of stories and memories shared. Though she was in a coma, they say that hearing's one of the last things to go, so I hope she could hear or at least sense that we were nearby. She left us a few hours later.

The memorial service was nice and it was great seeing so many people come and pay their respects; it's so sad though, that some of the people [like relatives], we only see at funerals!

Dad's trying to get used to this idea of living on his own. They were married for 55 1/2 years and he's never lived on his own before... Just this past week while sorting through some stuff in the closet, he came across a box; in that box were a bunch of journals, one per year from 1985-1993. There were stretches of time that she missed but still, over that whole time period and their move to the retirment village 10 years ago, dad never knew about the journals. I read some of them yesterday; it seems like she was happy and content with her life. And as Martha Stewart would say, That's a Good Thing.

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