Saturday, October 27, 2007

What IS Creativity?

What IS creativity? Is it something that you're born with and if you weren't, too bad? I don't think so; with an open mind you can find it within. It may take some time and a bit of 'play' but it's well worth the effort.

At least on a basic level, creativity can be just a *different* way of seeing or doing something. What about these ruts, doing the same thing day after day, same schedule, same route to and from work, same stuff for dinner, same this, same that...? Routines can serve a purpose-in getting things done, usually without even thinking about it. But these routines CAN become boring; and who wants the safe ol' boring stuff all of the time? I know this sounds like a cliche but it's time to think outside the box and shake things up.

Take a walk on the wild side every now and then. Wear a different color of socks to work. No one else may notice but YOU will and it may even make you smile inside. Who knows, you may start wearing brighter colored shirts and actually be noticed [oh my; imagine that].

On your way home from work or errands, stop at the park. Even if you don't get out for a walk or a swing on the swing set, at least open the windows, let in the fresh air and breathe it in. Sit and watch for a bit and see how many different critters you can sight. And then stop by and get an ice cream cone on the way home to your humble abode. Even if it's snowing or raining out there, it's still ok to have ice cream. If you think it's too cold in the winter, then add a bit of hot fudge; that'll make it all better.

Another day, find a different way home and become familiar with your surroundings. If you haven't taken any time to read recently, magazines, books of various types, whatever, take some time to expand your mind. On a day off, stop by your local library and explore the kiddy section. Yep, the children's area. These selections range from the simple to the complex; they're often funny and can make you laugh out loud. Check a few out [tell the librarian that your bringing the books home to your grandkids if you need to]. Go home and read away the afternoon.

Finding ways to be creative can be a challenge, a bit of an effort to open your mind to something new. If you try something and it ends up not all that appealing to you, that's ok; you don't have to do it again. Try something else! Ask your kids for ideas, they're a great source of creativity. Open your eyses and see something familiar in a new way.

More on this topic soon...

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