Friday, May 16, 2008

Does Perfectionism Get In the Way of Achieving Goals?

There have been numerous times over the years where I've come up with big goals and plans but then I don't make a lot of progress with them.
Plans like:
-lose weight
-exercise more
-read so many books each month
-start a book discussion group
-get back into taking more photos
-work on a particular art project

And one thing that I've been trying to overcome but have not yet been able to maintain and that is decluttering my living space and maintaining yet in a such a way where I can feel comfortable being IN my space, I can find things easily when I need them, have space to work on my projects, and can feel comfortable having visitors. [Hmm, is that a run-on sentence or what?] I'm always coming up with these big plans on how to accomplish what I want, what specifically I'll do each day to reach those goals, but when push comes to shove, it doesn't happen. Either I start one aspect of the project but get distracted and thus move on to something totally different [easy for me to do since I have ADHD], or when the time comes to do it, I talk myself out of doing it because there's something else [more interesting and fun] that I'd rather be doing, or I ...

Sometimes I don't even bother trying because I know that I'll never get to the end--so why bother? I've read that there are many 'perfectionists' out there that are the same way. But I've never considered myself a perfectionist, mainly because there's been so many things that I've failed at or haven't been able to fully accomplish.

So I've been doing a bit of reading here on the net and have come across some interesting sites. Here's a link to one of the articles I read; I'll post links for more sometime in the near future.

Let me know what YOU think about any or all of this, if you have suggestions, links of your own, whatever!

1 comment:

Faerie Queen said...

Denise, don't think " it will never happen so I won't bother about it!" Beleive me, I am a good example of the opposite. Like you I had major clutter and I never finished anything I started. even now I do have to be mindful of how I work but I think my secret was not to work with someone else's methods but to find what worked for me. I change my moods frequently and have little patience for doing the same thing for any extended period of time (maybe I'm ADHD ...who knows) so what I did was find a whole heap of ways that I knew I could use and used them as my mood fluctuated.Some days I would use a timer and keep myself focused on one chore, other times I drifted with the wind, but either way I did something. Not even evey day. Some days I do nothing at all , but i accept that is part of me also and don't beat myself up about it. Whilst I am still getting myself sorted after my move I do consider myself now on maintenance.something that will happen to you also, if you believe you can do it. cheers Sheila fronm DS support