Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Much Needed Few Days Off

Whew, what a hectic few weeks it's been; I'm glad it's about over--I'm ready for a much needed break. With the craziness of the holidays, all the snow, a friend being in the hospital, seeing someone else before she goes out of town for a few months, and the usual routines [helping with my mom, laundry, grocery shopping, yadda yadda yadda], I'm ready for a few days to/for myself.

I don't have any commitments whatsoever between this evening and Wednesday evening [with the exception of a couple much needed errands either tomorrow or Monday]. I'm hoping to: sleep, get in some fun reading, catch up on some online stuff, work on some of my art projects, and maybe, just maybe, work on some chores! Or, I might end up doing nothing at all; and I'd be fine with that, too.

Oh, and I read in the paper that it's actually going to warm up a bit over the next couple days--perhaps even into the [balmy] 50s by Monday! So I should try and get out for some much needed fresh air and exercise before we get more of the arctic temperatures again later in the week. But still, this little breath of fresh air will be a much needed lift for my physical as well as my mental health. [Sometimes it doesn't take much but it is so much needed right now!!] :-)


Anonymous said...

Sigh, I had such plans for these past few days; rest as well as pleasurable activities for a change. Did these plans come to be? No, of course not. I've been under the weather since late in the day on Saturday and thus, stayed home and didn't feel up to doing very much at all [except for a bit of reading, working on some ATC projects for a bit, and a number of naps].

Then, to top it off, I finally decided to try and do a couple errands this afternoon, thinking that some fresh air might clear up my head a bit. That didn't work out as planned, either; darn it. My car wouldn't start, so I called AAA, thinking that I would probably just need to have it jump started. But no, that didn't work and thus, the car was taken to a service station this evening to be evaluated tomorrow. Then I'll get to decide if I can afford to fix whatever the problem might be. And then find a way to go get the car once it's ready.

By the time this is all taken care of and I'm back to feeling ok again, the balmy weather will be behind us AND my several days off will be over [until Sunday].


DeniseInYpsi said...

I sound so whiney in the above post; it's so frustrating when it seems like nothing is going well! I hope I don't so whiney in all of my posts!